FAQ: Visual Numbers in PowerPoint

FAQ: Visual Numbers in PowerPoint

I use DataPoint to display real-time information from a database during an event.  When there is a value 30 in the database, then I want to display 30 icons at different locations on the screen.  Sort of a visual representation of a number while updating in real-time....
Weather in PowerPoint

Weather in PowerPoint

The question most often asked: What will the weather be today? Weather is omnipresent in our society. You see weather information in your newspaper, weather apps on your phone, you can track rain and thunderstorms online and more. No wonder that weather information is...
Dynamic Trivia Quiz

Dynamic Trivia Quiz

A Trivia quiz is always great. Questions, suspension, doubt, reaction speed, fun and a good humor. Who needs more to break the ice and to spend some time with friends or family? Typically for Trivia, you get a question for a given point of interest, e.g. like sports...

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