Reordering Columns in PowerPoint Table

Reordering Columns in PowerPoint Table

Our DataPoint software product is a great aid for linking PowerPoint tables to data sources for real-time updates. For this article, we will run the linking steps. You can use any data source like a database or Excel sheet. For the full instructions for the Excel...
Filter Data in PowerPoint

Filter Data in PowerPoint

Our DataPoint tool for Microsoft PowerPoint is great to display in real-time database information on your slides. For databases, you use an SQL statement to retrieve the informations that you want. With the SQL statement you can select the data of one or more tables,...
Use Pictures and Picture Sliders on your Slides

Use Pictures and Picture Sliders on your Slides

Today’s article will show you how you can insert images or pictures on your PowerPoint slides. Basically there are 3 ways to display images on a PowerPoint slide: a single picture in a picture box or a background image on your slide or, and this is special, a...
Dynamic Presentations

Dynamic Presentations

We’ve all been there. Sitting in a darkened room, watching a boring presentation with a speaker with a droning voice, reading bullet point after bullet point of largely data. ZZZZZZZZ. Instead of the usual boring PowerPoint presentations, why not give dynamic...

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