OData or Open Data Protocol, allows you to connect to RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way.  Typically you will find an oData service with one or more resources with data. DataPoint allows you to connect to an oData service (and more).

You can use DataPoint to connect your PowerPoint presentation to an oData service for 3 reasons and advantages:

  1. When you open your DataPoint-enabled presentation, you will see an update of the slide content, so that you always have the latest information in front of you.
  2. Start the slide show and see real-time updates on your computer monitor or information screen.
  3. You can generate a snapshot presentation with all data and sent it out as a multimedia report to customers or management.

Start PowerPoint and click to open the DataPoint ribbon. Click the List button of the Connections group.

open the powerpoint data connections via datapoint
Select the oData provider node and click the Add connection button.
add an odata connection to your powerpoint presentation
Enter the URI of the oData service that you want to connect to.  An URI is the Uniform Resource Identifier, the address to connect to your service, much alike the domain name that points to your web site.

There is an open oData service that we can use for testing: http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/

Hit OK to confirm.

enter the uri of the odata service
Click the Add query button to go further.
connect to an odata resource of your selected service
Here you get a list of all the resources that are available from the oData service.  Select one and check or change the refresh rate. Here we want to see some regular updates and set the update interval to every 10 seconds. Click OK to close.
list of available resources
Our first oData connection is now ready in our presentation. We can see a preview of the data here. Click to close the connections form.
odata data preview
We can now start with a new slide. We will insert 2 text boxes on this first slide.  And with the first text box selected, we click DataPoint and then the Text box button.
open textbox properties
These are the text box properties that you can set. This is our first and only data connection.  Set the column to CompanyName. Leave the row number to 1 for the data of the first row. You can see a preview of the value. Click OK to close.
text box linking odata properties
The content of the CompanyName column of the first data row is now dynamically linked to this text box.
text box linked to odata info
Let’s do another text box and link it to another column of the same data row.
other linked text boxes
We have linked all the text boxes to the oData service as we want it to be.
powerpoint slide with linked odata information
For the next time that we open this presentation, the dynamic linked information is refreshed. Whenever there is new information, it will show up on this slide when you re-open the presentation.

Let’s try to create a snapshot presentation for reporting and sending out. We want to use this same slide, but then one slide per customer automatically. Click the Scrolling button of the DataPoint ribbon.  Select connection and check the Enabled option. That is all we need. Click OK to return.

odata scrolling option
Then click the Snapshot button and let it generate a new presentation with all the customer information.
snapshot presentation with all odata data
At the end of the snapshot generation, all information and links to the oData source are disconnected and it is ready for distribution.

Connect your slides to an oData service. Free 15 days trial.

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