Here at PresentationPoint, we are feeling the love in the air. So we gift to you our Valentine PowerPoint template to celebrate the season of romance.

If you have digital signage in your restaurant, coffee shop, hotel, store or other facility, changing the look to match the holiday is great fun for your visitors and gives you an opportunity to highlight special holiday offerings.

You can use this template for Valentines Day or other romantic themes. It includes 12 different slide templates, including one which is a countdown timer so you can show the shopping days until Valentines Day.

Try it in:

valentine powerpoint template

Here are a few ways to use the Valentine PowerPoint templates in your business:

  1. Highlight romantic gift ideas
  2. Show specialty food menu items like heart shaped cookies or chocolates
  3. Show a countdown timer of how many days left until Valentines (some of us need constant reminders or we totally forget until the last moment)
  4. Show a countdown to a party or event you are hosting for Valentines Day

If you would like help setting up your digital signage for Valentines Day or any other holiday, please contact us.


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